Euestion raised about UNRWA at White House Press Conference

Dr. Harper White House Press Question To General Kelly October 12, 2017 regarding U.S. tax dollars to UNESCO and UNRWA that have an anti semetic agenda. Israel Prime Minister Netanyahu and other Israel leaders...

Leyonhjelm and Abetz challenge UNRWA funding

Australian foreign aid is being used to fund terrorism in the Middle East.

Behind The Scene with David Bedein: Coronavirus 2020

Behind the scene with David Bedein coronavirus 2020:

We have your back

As Brutus and his allies plunged their knives into Julius Caesar, they all declared, “We have your back.” How apt and appropriate this cynical declaration of false support seems these days as so-called friends and...

The legacy of UNRWA- New film – סרטון חדש : “מורשת האונר”א” "The legacy of UNRWA"- no subtitles

Mahmoud Abbas Contradicts the Palestinian Narrative on Refugees – Amb. Dore Gold, JCPA

It has been axiomatic for the Palestinian narrative that as a result of the first Arab-Israeli war in 1948, the Palestinian Arab refugees were forcibly expelled by Israeli forces from their towns and villages. ...

Behind The Scene with David Bedein: February 25, 2020

Flotilla Choir presents: We Con the World Full text: There comes a time When we need to make a show For the world, the Web and CNN There's no people dying, so the best that we can do Is create the greatest bluff of all We must go...

Terror of Return – 3 minute version

The terror of return - 3min from David Bedein on Vimeo.

David Bedein: The 18 Year ​Uphill ​Fight to ​Reveal​ the War Curriculum of the...

David Bedein, Director Israel Resource News Agency Center for Near East Policy Research Beit Agron 37 Hillel Street, Suite 105-106 Jerusalem 94581 Israel