AJA President, Dr David Adler, on Sky News 2 July 2018 re cutting foreign...

Important development as the result of a campaign initiated and managed by the Australian Jewish Association (AJA) for the Australian government to address the problem of aid to the Palestinian Authority being used to...

“UNRWA – Connected to Hamas and Bad for the Refugees”

Researchers at the Center for Near East Policy Research have produced a new documentary film entitled “Palestinian Refugee Policy: From Despair to Hope.” The film shows just how deeply Hamas has penetrated UNRWA (United Nations...


http://bstore.9tv.co.il/videos/2013/08/14/1408_VTR21D_BRISKMAN.mp4 14.08.2013 23:25 В детских летних лагерях Газы учат ненавидеть евреев на деньги ООН. Репортаж Яны Брискман. В Газе был снят документальный фильм «Джихадистский детский сад». Место действия – Сектор Газа. На первый взгляд, это самый обычный...

Behind the scene with David Bedein || December 7, 2022

Behind the scene with David Bedein - December 7, 2022 https://israelbehindthenews.com/wp-content/uploads/videos/BehindTheScene-20221209-V2.mp4

Israel Prime Minister’s office uses our UNRWA film clips on PMO twitter account

For peace to come, this must stop. pic.twitter.com/19e8sgOXHX — PM of Israel (@IsraeliPM) April 27, 2017

Noam Bedein films the reaction of Sderot residents to a missile as it lands...

LIVE - Tens of Sderot children and families seeking shelter at a playground this evening from rocket explosions fired by Hamas controlled Gaza. This is how it feels like when you negotiate peace and hudna...

David Bedein report to Sweden 2018

 Report to Sweden Amnon Israeli interviews David about the payments to terrorists. Lawrence Berger, PRODUCER www.cooltv.se