Bedein at Balfour 100: 18 minutes of Insight
David Bedein: Balfour Declaration Centennial & UNWRA Supported Palestinian Hate Curriculum Held at Orthodox Union (OU) Israel Center
Euestion raised about UNRWA at White House Press Conference
Dr. Harper White House Press Question To General Kelly October 12, 2017 regarding U.S. tax dollars to UNESCO and UNRWA that have an anti semetic agenda. Israel Prime Minister Netanyahu and other Israel leaders...
2 min. clip from 2010: UNHCR helped to resettle UNRWA residents from Iraq to...
Clip from 2010: UNHCR helped to resettle UNRWA residents from Iraq to Chile
It’s Illegal to enter Bethlehem!?
sraelis are forbidden to enter this Arab area. And these signs are all over JUDEA and SAMARIA. Where is the outrage??
U.N. Schools of “JIHADI TERROR” WorldWide”
Where do YOUR tax dollars go?
PROOF! U.N. Schools teach Jihadi TERROR WorldWide!
Israel Prime Minister’s office uses our UNRWA film clips on PMO twitter account
For peace to come, this must stop.
— PM of Israel (@IsraeliPM) April 27, 2017
Bedein lecture Will the PLO trample on Trump’s PLO policies?
David Bedein talks about why peace is hard to get.
AIPAC: UNRWA Protector
Aipac is not allowing our experts - two Arabs, two Jews - to present to the 1017 AIPAC conference how $400 million of US AID to UNRWA – one third of the UNRWA budget-...