Palestinian Bassem Eid Exposes Anti-Israel BDS Movement
A totally different perspective on the UAE deal with Israel, not seen or heard...
A totally different perspective on the UAE deal with Israel, not seen or heard anywhere!
Live with David Bedein, Director of the Nachum Bedein Center for Near East Policy Research.
Special Zoom Session: David Bedein & Dr Arnon Groiss – UNRWA school year begins...
Special Zoom Session: David Bedein & Dr Arnon Groiss - UNRWA school year begins in Judea, Samaria Gaza & JLM
David Bedein & Dr Arnon Groiss _ UNRWA school year begins in Judea, Samaria Gaza...
מאחורי הקלעים עם דוד בדין – ההסכם עם איחוד האמירויות
מאחורי הקלעים עם דוד בדין - ההסכם עם איחוד האמירויות
מאחורי הקלעים עם דוד בדין - ההסכם עם איחוד האמירויות from המרכז לחקר מדיניות המזה"ת CFNEPR on Vimeo.
Behind The Scene with David Bedein: Peace with the UAE – Aug 31, 2020
UNRWA Terror Balloons-subtitles in English, Hebrew and German
UNRWA Terror Balloons – English Subtitles
UNRWA Terror Balloons – Hebrew subtitles
UNRWA Terror Balloons - Hebrew from המרכז לחקר מדיניות המזה"ת CFNEPR on Vimeo.
UNRWA Terror Balloons – German subtitles
UNRWA EXPOSED: AJA Zoom event 5 August 2020
Live event with experts from Jerusalem.
One of our most important events with a remarkable dedicated expert guests.
This UN agency runs the schools for Arab children in Gaza and areas administered by the Palestinian...
The Gaza you do not see
75% of Gazans dwell in UNRWA refugee camp indignity: 25% of Gazans enjoy middle class life.
Behind The Scene with David Bedein: Jun 26, 2020
Say a clear NO to Trump’s Plan
Trump's plan - The truth
Some consider it a once-in-a-century opportunity. Some say it's very bad for Israel, it's a continuation of the Oslo Accords. Who is right?