INCENTIVE TO KILL - search results

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Gilad Shalit: Israel Succumbs to Ransom When Israel succumbs to the ransom demanded by a regime which has kidnapped a citizen of the free world, that creates a precedent that will reverberate across the globe. Despite their desire to see Cpl....

Terrorist Incidents against Jewish Communities and Israeli Citizens Abroad, 1968-2010 1&LNGID=1&TMID=111&FID=624&PID=0&IID=8920&TTL=Terrorist_Incidents_ against_Jewish_Communities_and_Israeli_Citizens_Abroad,_1968-2010 â— The phenomenon of terrorism against Jewish communities and Israeli targets abroad represents the most violent aspect of contemporary anti-Semitism, and the greatest physical danger to Diaspora Jewish communities. The rational calculations of political...

(Rejecting the Notion of the “Iranian-supported Gaza Regime”) Thanks to International Aid, Gaza Is... The Gaza Strip is doing really well economically and the Hamas regime seems set to go on forever. It's raking in the aid money but every dollar and every project is shaped to ensure...

The Anger, Angst, Anguish and Frustrations of an Israel Advocate “If Israel is such an “oppressive, racist, apartheid state,” then it would be logical to assume that the Arabs should be eagerly lining up to emigrate to any of the 21 nations of the...

Insight Behind the News in Israel

Posting: August 8, 2007 "Tisha B'Av" Immediately upon the close of Shabbat tomorrow night begins Tisha B'Av (the ninth of the month of Av), a day of Jewish national mourning because it is the day on...

Incisive Commentary

Posting: July 31, 2008 "Just Suppose" Political predictions are never written in stone, and certainly I make no claims that what I'm about to write here is anything other than a speculation. But I think it's...

The Myth of Moderate Islam

Posted June 2008 Supporting moderation in all things Islamic may seem like a no-brainer, but woe betide the policymaker who tries to turn a plausible idea into a workable strategy Categorize this: Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi wants...

The sinister idea behind the evacuation compensation law

The idea behind the evacuation compensation law is far more sinister than simply to divide and conquer the settlers by offering them financial incentives to leave their homes. An offer of compensation, it should be...

Incisive Commentary

December 6, 2007 "Stumbling Blocks" Here we have, as if they were needed, more reasons why negotiating with the PA is impossible: The Hamas-dominated Palestinian Legislative Council has passed a law (first reading) saying that any concession...

Incisive Commentary

Posting: November 18, 2007 "Anyone's Guess" Will the conference be held in Annapolis on November 27? Still possible, but looking less likely. Khaled Abu Toameh is reporting in the Post that PA officials are saying they are...