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Reflections on New Reality in Israel

I once had my private life. I raised a family, a business, a home-thank God. I voted for a different party each election. Even the Pensioners Party once got my vote. What suddenly came...

Theatre of the Absurd in Sderot

On Thursday night, I was walking through the streets of Sderot, on my way to present my short movie at the Sderot "Cinemateque", about my travels in Far East. As I walked through the center...


Jewish settlement leaders spent millions of dollars and recruited hundreds of thousands of supporters in a bogus civil disobedience campaign designed to facilitate the government plan to evict 16,000 Jews from the Gaza Strip...

Draft Proposal for an Democratically Elected Judea and Samaria Council

Written at a time when the threat to Judea and Samaria could not be greater. Contents: 1. Introduction / Backgroundc 2. Abstract 3. Mission Statement / Introduction *The Yesha Council *Members at Large *Electoral Reform 4. Population 5. Proposed Electoral Solutions a. Direct...

Getting To The Issue With Livni

Monday night, Israel's Foreign Minister Tzippy Livni met with Machmud Abbas, also known as Abu Mazen. Before the Livni-Abbas meeting, The Evening Bulletin posed the following questions to Livni, through her spokesperson, Ido Aharoni, and through the spokesperson of the Israel Foreign Ministry, Mr. Mark Regev.Those questions were: (please review article)


On Monday night, Israel's Foreign Minister Tzippy Livni met with the Machmud Abbas, also known as Abu Mazen. Abbas has two identities, both of which he inherited from his mentor, Yassir Arafat - as...

Olmert: ‘West Bank withdrawal still on’ – Reaffirms Plan as Israel fights in Gaza,...

Even with a war in Lebanon after withdrawal from the country's border six years ago and with ground troops forced to return to Gaza following evacuation from the territory 11 months ago, Prime Minister...

Kibbut Nir Am and Sderot – the human side of towns under fire

Kibbutz Nir Am is a small community on the immediate outskirts of Sderot. It is so close to Sderot that many Kibbutz members walk to Synagogues there for Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur, and other...

The Three Factors Responsible for Today’s War in the North and South

There are three factors that have caused today's war on the northern and southern front of Israel: The US Government Obsession with the "1967 Lines", as dictated to Israel. The May 2000 policy of Israeli PM...

The Man Who Says He Will Make Millions From the Disengagement

Sir Ronald Cohen: Financier who is hoping for a peace dividend After a quarter of a century at private equity firm Apax, he now wants to help solve the Israeli-Palestinian crisis Almost a year after...