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Enemies’ Moves, Friends’ Silence, Slam Door on Elijah’s Hope

On Friday night during the Seder, millions of Jews in Israel and throughout the diaspora will fill Elijah’s Cup and then fling open their doors to ‘welcome’ the spirit of Elijah with the hope that...

Israeli group’s documentary accuses Hamas of training child soldiers

A new documentary that shows senior Hamas figures in Gaza unabashedly discussing the training of child soldiers and glorifying suicide bombers at military-style youth camps will be Exhibit A for an Israeli group at...

Did Israel Weaken Hamas? Inbar in Middle East Quarterly

Did Israel Weaken Hamas? The 2014 Gaza War by Efraim Inbar Following the abduction and murder of three Israeli teenagers in the West Bank and a continuous barrage of Hamas rockets on Israeli towns and villages, the...

Time to Reconsider U.S. Support of UNRWA

Abstract The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) was established more than 60 years ago as a temporary initiative to address the needs of Palestinian refugees and...

Israeli Apartheid Week: For and against

Israel has reinvented apartheid Apartheid. This word tends to conjure up specific images and ideas: South Africa, Nelson Mandela, pariah, boycotts. This is why dialogue about Israel’s status as an apartheid state becomes – for...

Opinion: ISIS and the Brotherhood

The US is fighting the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), and so is Iran. At the same time, Washington is holding nuclear talks with Tehran and imposing sanctions on its government with...

The World War Inside Islam

In the aftermath of America’s invasion of Iraq, Norman Podhoretz, the neoconservative polemicist and editor of Commentary, wrote a long essay arguing that the battle against Islamist extremism amounted to “World War IV.” Podhoretz...
Funds intended for the Palestinian people can’t be used for terrorism. (Photo: Kevin Frayer / AP)

Keep U.S. dollars away from terrorists

Republican Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky is pushing a bill that would immediately halt U.S. aid to the Palestinians until they stop their effort to join the International Criminal Court to pursue war-crimes charges...

One for the Gunness Book of Records: The myth of an UNRWA policy of...

“We Are Returning Returning, returning, we are returning Borders shall not exist, nor citadels and fortresses Cry out, O those who have left: We are returning Returning to the homes, to the valleys, to the mountains Under the flag of...

“Perpetuating Statelessness” – UNRWA its activities and funding

Eve Swabe, Tony Etherton, Tanya Warburg and Helene Briskman of the B’nai B’rith London Bureau of International Affairs recently attended an event at Portcullis House, organised by the Henry Jackson Society in conjunction with...