palestinian education - search results

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The UNRWA Dilemma The Palestinian people, according to a recent study by the Jerusalem Institute of Justice, have received per capita, adjusted for inflation, 25 times more aid than did Europeans to rebuild war-torn Western Europe under...

Muslim Persecution of Christians: June, 2013 The degradation of Christian women living in the Islamic world continued in the month of June. In Syria, after the al-Qaeda linked rebel group conquered Qusair, a city of the governate of Homs, 15-year-old...

Should US AID Place Conditions on donations to UNRWA? On August 16, the US and the Palestinian Authority signed a new $148 million economic aid agreement. Our agency asked PA officials where the money was going. The answer: education, for the new school year of...

David Bedein goes to “Camp Jihad” on Fox News Palestinian children as young as 5 are being taught to hate Jews, glorify martyrs and support jihad, and a U.S.-funded United Nations agency is helping to underwrite the effort, according to a controversial new...

UNRWA Investigating Jordanian Official Who Quoted Hitler The United Nations’ refugee arm has launched an investigation into one of its top Jordanian officials after he posted on his Facebook page a “motivational” poster featuring Nazi leader Adolf Hitler. Dr. Fares Haider, reportedly...

Welcome to Camp Jihad Palestinian kids sit at UNRWA school Photo: REUTERS/Ibraheem Abu Mustafa The hazy, crazy, lazy endless days of summer are upon us and children are enjoying vacation from school, the luxury of going to bed late...

Whose taxpayers fund UNRWA? The United Nations Relief and Work Agency is the only UN refugee agency dedicated to a single group of people. It is the only agency that designates individuals as original refugees if they lived...

Welcome To Camp Jihad

The hazy, crazy, lazy endless days of summer are upon us and children are enjoying vacation from school, the luxury of going to bed late and then sleeping in the next morning and for...

A Promise to Dream

Asher and Yonatan Palmer, murdered by rock throwers When fellow students of Asher Palmer at The Azrieli College of Engineering Jerusalem (ACE-Jlm), coming from different backgrounds and yet similar circumstances took the step to unite...

July 29, 2013 – “Those Talks”

Before I write about "those talks," I want to return to the matter of the Palestinian Arab prisoner release approved by the Cabinet yesterday at the strong-arm prodding of Prime Minister Netanyahu. This entire incident...