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Terror Attacks on Israel and UNRWA’s Education System

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/anav-silverman/ terror-attacks-on-israel-_b_930141.html "Peace starts here," is the key marketing slogan that UNRWA (UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees in the Near East) uses in its videos, pamphlets, posters and other marketing and fundraising material....

UNRWA and Alternatives for Palestinian Refugees

http://aijac.org.au/news/article/unrwa-and-alternatives-for-palestinian-refugees There are 1.6 million people in the Gaza Strip, most of them in UNRWA (United Nations Relief Works Agency) “refugee” camps. With support from more than 35 major Western democracies, UNRWA could be dealing with...

“UNRWA – Connected to Hamas and Bad for the Refugees”

Researchers at the Center for Near East Policy Research have produced a new documentary film entitled “Palestinian Refugee Policy: From Despair to Hope.” The film shows just how deeply Hamas has penetrated UNRWA (United Nations...

For My Daughter to Read At Auschwitz: Bedein v. UNRWA

http://www.israelnationalnews.com/Articles/Article.aspx/10461 What I write today is a sealed letter for our almost 17 year old Meira to take with her on her high school trip to Auschwitz in three weeks. She is to to open the...

UNRWA’s Anti-Israel Bias.

On October 22, 2010, the outgoing director of the New York office of the U.N. Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA), Andrew Whitley, stunned his listeners at a Washington conference by arguing...

UNRWA’s Anti Israel Bias

http://www.meforum.org/2996/ unrwa-anti-israel-bias

John Solsvik, Jerusalem correspondent for the Norwegian newspaper, Dagen,First reporter to reveal contents...

Norwegian language version of John Solskik's article: https://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&shva=1#search/johns%40dagen.no/130d178373189258 Here is the English Translation: UNRWA curriculum in Human Rights Comes Under Fire Subtitle: “Dagen” - first foreign news outlet to receive the new books on human rights used in...

Audio: Responding to UNRWA attacks on Israel and Exposing the UNRWA Human Rights Curriculum...

Responding to UNRWA attack on Israelhttp://www.israelnationalnews. com/Radio/News.aspx/3202 Exposing the UNRWA Human Rights Curriculum as a Farcehttp://www.israelnationalnews. com/Radio/News.aspx/3226 Behind The Scene With David Bedein Archive http://www.israelnationalnews. com/Radio/Author.aspx/4286 Archive.org http://www.archive.org/ details/ BehindTheSceneWithDavidBedein ===============

UNRWA Association with Hamas: An Overview.

A strong case can be made for the fact that the UNRWA policy regarding “right of return” has fomented radicalism in the population it assists. Additional material on the ways in which UNRWA promotes “right of...

DAGEN Newspaper in Norway Has Commissioned an Evaluation of New “Human Rights Curriculum” Published...

Dr. Arnon Groiss This week, the DAGEN newspaper from Norway commissioned an evaluation of the new “Human Rights Curriculum” that has recently been published in Arabic by UNRWA,the United Nations Relief and Works Agency, the...