unrwa hamas - search results

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Researcher has sounded alarm for decades about hate in UNRWA camps

Palestinian children in U.N. Relief and Works Agency camps, mere yards from the border with Israel, talk in a video about killing Jews and returning to their land. “The actions of Hamas match the...

Who will protect Palestinian children from Hamas?

It is no secret that well before the Hamas-led invasion of southern Israel on Oct. 7, Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) and Fatah began recruiting, radicalizing and training children to serve as soldiers in the...

UNRWA:s politik efter kriget.

Den schweiziske diplomaten Phillipe Lazzarini, chef för FN:s hjälp- och arbetsbyrå kommer nu att möta en ström av påtryckningar från givarnationer att genomföra en genomgripande politisk förändring i ljuset av kriget. Detta berör särskilt UNRWA:s...

UNRWA Policies Following the War

Swiss diplomat Phillipe Lazzarini, head of United Nations Relief and Works Agency will now face a torrent of  pressure from donor nations to conduct sweeping policy change in light of the war.  This is especially...

Złóżmy pozew przeciwko UNRWA w Hadze

UNRWA wspiera terrorystów, kształci dzieci na terrorystów i pozwala, żeby w jej obiektach znajdowały się oddziały bojowników i wyrzutnie rakiet. ONZ ponosi za to odpowiedzialność, pozwalając, aby to trwało. UNRWA nie ukrywa faktu, że jej 30...

UNRWA’s Dark Reality: Disturbing Footage Unveils Shocking Summer Camp Simulations

For the past 15 years, I’ve held the unique position of running the sole agency documenting UNRWA summer camps. Assisted by three Arab journalists and three Jewish journalists with a deep understanding of Arab...

Action to be taken against UNRWA

David Bedein  0587222661 IsraelBehindTheNews.com                          January 2024 TAKE UNRWA TO THE HAGUE   UNRWA does not hide the fact that its 30,000 workers act as soldiers  at war...

Take UNRWA to the hague

UNRWA does not hide the fact that its 30,000 workers act as soldiers at war with the Jews.   This is the time to take into account the origins of UNRWA, initiated by the 1948 UN...

Ending the Perpetual Epidemiological Disaster of the Hamas Ideology

As a doctor who spent a lifetime of work in epidemiology and environmental medicine, I have extensive experience thinking about how external factors drive public health outcomes – preventable disease and premature death. I have...

Sen. Ted Cruz accuses UN agency of supporting ‘Hamas war machine,’ urges Biden admin...

The Biden administration’s massive financial support for the scandal-ridden U.N. agency for Palestinians in the Gaza Strip was hit by a call from Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, to scrap U.S. funds for it due to...