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Letter from UNRWA Official

David Bedein's article "Why is the Shuafat Refugee Camp Seething?" (Israel Resource Review, October 13) outlines some of the urgent problems facing refugee camp residents, but it unfairly places the blame on the wrong...

The Refugee Dilemma: A Day in the UNRWA Arab Refugee Camps

Iyad Qadi, a Ramallah resident who fought against Israel during the intifada riots of the late '80s through early 90s, returned to the Palestinian refugee camps that raged so violently in those years -...
Image: United Nations/ X

The UN continues to ignore Israeli victims of terrorism

In the entrance hall to the United Nations in New York, there’s a passageway where all visitors pass through. Along the walls, there’s an exhibition reminding those visitors of the victims of terrorist attacks...

Qatar takes part in Arab meet on Gaza education sector’s urgent needs

Qatar is participating in the two-day emergency meeting of the Palestine Children Educational Affairs Council held in the Arab League's Secretariat-General here, which began on Sunday. The meeting aims to address the formidable challenges and...

Canadian tax dollars fund UN hypocrisy

The United Nations announced this week it has fired more staff from the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), the organization that supports Palestinian refugees in Gaza, after its own investigation revealed they...

Inside Israel. Threats to Jewish lives which stem from the lethal policies of the...

The Jewish national fast day was observed this year on the Jewish calendar date of the 9th of Av, which this year fell on August 13, 2024. The date marks centuries of the remorseless murder of Jews. This year, the existential threat...

Israel UN forced to fire 9 employees over likely involvement in Hamas massacre: ‘Tip...

JERUSALEM — The United Nations said on Monday that nine employees from the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) likely participated in the Hamas slaughter of 1,200 people,...

Brev till Sverige

July 24, 2024 Generalkonsul för Sverige, David Karlsson Julius Liljeström Ers excellenser! Jag skriver i samarbete med Israel Resource News Agency, som arbetar från Nahum Bedein Center for Near East Policy Research, registrerat i Pennsylvania och Jerusalem. Nyhetsbyrån har...

Strategy: “Pikuach Nefesh” Alert: Saving Jewish Lives

The Rebbe understood that the existential threat to Israel constitutes a matter of "Pikuach Nefesh." In that context, the time has come to engage in a "Pikuach Nefesh" campaign and adopt a strategic approach...

Balak, Bilam and A Donkey

Last Shabbat’s Torah Parsha (portion) of Balak is a stark reminder of how relevant that episode in Jewish history is for all of us today. As the Israelites reached the end of their forty-year trek...