palestinian education - search results

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When the United Jewish Communities tried to Bequeathe the Isaiah Award for Peace to...

As the United Jewish Communities convenes in its annual General Assembly, days after Yasser Arafat's death, I am still awaiting an expression of gratitude for saving the august organization from a terrible embarrassment In October,...

Duke University’s Public Relations for Terrorism

What I am about to describe here will no doubt shock many Americans, especially American Jews. It concerns my three days spent undercover at the Palestine Solidarity Movement Conference at Duke University. To attend...

Mass Indoctination and Martyrdom

This has been a century of mass indoctrination. Murder by highly sophisticated methods of programming in Nazi Germany, Hirohito's Japan, the USSR, Red China and Cambodia and now Radical Islam, assure an assembly-line production...

Disengagement: A Great Leap Sideways

Last week witnessed an unanticipated level and intensity of violence. It was reported that in ten days, 11 Israelis died at hands of Palestinian terrorists - 7 servicemen, 4 civilians. Nine of 11 were...

Prime Minister Ariel Sharon on Disengagement, Iran, Syria, the PA, the US election and...

also included the clear statement that it is impossible to ignore the new realities on the ground - the large settlement blocs", when in fact Bush did not mention one word about "large...

How US AID Acts to Circumvent NGO Anti-Terrorism Requirements

On August 2nd, 2004, the Near East Report of AIPAC ran an article by AIPAC staffer Danielle Rogoff, entitled "Dollars and Sense", in which Rogoff noted that "this year's foreign aid bill contains key...

UN Dollars for Terror

Reading the material on the website for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine (UNRWA), one gets a picture of "a relief and development agency, providing education, healthcare, social services and emergency...

“Demographic threat” Nonexistent

Yonatan Bassi, head of the disengagement administration, justified the pullout plan (in Globes, July 29) by saying that in Gaza, "there used to be 600,000 Arabs. Now there are 1.4 million people there... in...

Excerpts: UNRWA’s refugee trove 9 June 2004

Excerpts: UNRWA's refugee trove 9 June 2004 JORDAN TIMES 9 June '04; "Refugees at crossroads between violence and opportunity - UN" Quotes From Text: "Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries Fund announced a $2.5 million contribution" The United States...

No Comparison Between Settlement Evacuations Then — and Now, Some Say

When Israeli citizen Yael Noyman settled in the Gush Katif settlement of Neve Dekalim 21 years ago, the Israeli government told her it was the most important place to live. She had just been evacuated...