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Iranian cash? It’s already in West Bank

There has been much talk in recent days about the possible effects of the latest US concession to Iran in the nuclear negotiations. Much of it centers on Iran’s demand for the immediate lifting...
Amb. Thomas Pickering testified before the House Armed Services Committee, about Iran's nuclear program on June 19, 2014. Photo Credit: YouTube screen capture

Brandeis Commencement Speaker Leads Iran Cheerleader Squad

All those concerned about the dangers of Iran obtaining the ability to produce nuclear weapons have been closely watching the negotiations between Iran and the U.S. and its partners in the P5+1. Perhaps no country...

Killing americans and their allies

Preface Iranian-supplied weapons have led to casualties across the Western alliance for Britain, Israel, and the United States. Tehran has used its weapons deliveries to fuel a number of regional insurgencies, like the Houthi revolt...

White House: It is wrong to encourage non-Arab Israelis to vote to offset foreign...

[Dr. Aaron Lerner - IMRA: Let's get this straight: The Likud Party didn't encourage its members to try to interfere with Israeli Arabs as they went about participating in the Knesset elections. All the Likud Party...

Time to Reconsider U.S. Support of UNRWA

Abstract The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) was established more than 60 years ago as a temporary initiative to address the needs of Palestinian refugees and...

‘We need to recognize that Islamic State is positioned to make inroads elsewhere in...

General David Petraeus, former CIA chief, does not see much cause for optimism regarding a deal with Iran: 'We cannot allow them to be on the brink of having a nuclear weapon'; believes 'threat...
Uranium-enriching centrifuges on display in Tehran (Caren Firouz/Reuters)

Dealing with a Bad Iranian Nuclear Agreement

The Obama administration and the rest of the P5+1 will likely agree soon on a limited-duration agreement with Iran that aims to provide around one year of warning time before any breakout to nuclear...
U.S. President Barack Obama talks with Iranian President Hassan Rouhani during a phone call in the Oval Office, September 2013. (Pete Souza / Courtesy Reuters)

How J Street Misled Obama Into Netanyahu Speech Debacle

Who misled President Obama into his losing showdown over Prime Minister Netanyahu’s blockbuster speech to Congress? And how much of this week’s setback to the President should be blamed on the “progressive” Israel lobbying group...

February 15, 2015: The Good Guys

The good guys give hope and promise for the possibility of better days coming. Many spirits were buoyed on Friday, when the news broke that Elie Wiesel had announced that he would be attending Netanyahu’s...

The ‘New York Times’ Violates My Protocol

Last week, I had some unkind words for the New York Times, whose account of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech to Congress had to be amended to reflect the fact that Bibi accepted the...