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Gaza terror group said to have rocket that could hit Ashkelon

The Popular Resistance Committees organization, which has carried out a number of high-profile terror attacks in recent years, has said that it has developed a rocket capable of striking targets 15 kilometers away, which...

Not Quite What We Are Led to Believe

Now that the residents of the Katif district of Gaza have been forcibly expelled from their homes, a picture - promoted by the Palestinian Authority and its supporters - is being painted in the...

Post Zionism Won

The painful pictures of Jewish-Israeli children confronting Israeli soldiers with the question "Why are you removing me from my home?" will forever haunt the young soldiers charged by the Sharon government to do the...

Eviction Through Negligence

Israel Legal Forum documents negligence in handling Gush Katif evacuees Despite reports that have reached disapora Jewish organizations that "all is well," the harsh reality is that the Israeli government is simply not prepared to...

Emergency Campaign for Gush Katif

9,000 Israeli citizens have become displaced persons overnight. They have been torn from their homes, jobs, friends and communities. Scattered in 42 locations around the country, in hotel rooms, kibbutzim, caravans and tents, all...

Intelligence Premonitions of Disengagement

How can the Palestinians be prevented from copying the Kassam rocket fire from the Gaza Strip to Judea and Samaria? In other words-how can Israel put a stop to what the Palestinians consider the successful...

Evicting a Concentration Camp survivor from Atzmona in Katif

He is known as the 'Grandfather' of Atzmona. Mr. Zadok is 82 years old, a concentration camp survivor who fought the Nazis in the forest for 4years in World War II, is the 'oldest' Jewish...

Legal Brief Filed on Behalf of Jewish Residents of the Katif District in the...

A legal brief was filed on Thursday, August 18, 2005, with the Supreme Court of Israel, on behalf of the Jewish residents of Israeli towns in Gaza strip who are being expelled from their...

Mental Health Professionals Denied Access by Israeli Gov’t to Northern Samaria Jewish Community

On Monday night, August 15th, a group of mental health professionals were refused entry to the communities in Northern Samaria, after being also refused entry to Katif communities last week. The government of Israel has...

A Government Devoid of Humanitarian Considerations

Dr. Miriam Billing and Professor Yossi Katz, of the Florsheimer Center for Policy Studies, anticipated the government disregard for the wellbeing of those being removed from their homes because of the "disengagement." They did...