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The Current State of Peres

After years of speculation that the architects of the Sharon plan had an economic motivation up their sleeve, Deputy Prime Minister Shimon Peres, the original architect of the Oslo process, told the AP that...

Gush Katif

As in daring situation assessments in distant places, the IDF and the police have obtained the floor plans of all the homes in the communities marked for evacuation in order to use them to...

Israel’s Suicidal Policy

The movement within Israel to hold a referendum on Prime Minister Sharon's "Disengagement" plan has fizzled now that the Knesset has voted solidly against it. Efforts to bring the government down by blocking the...

Consequences Ignored by Israeli Government?

The movement within Israel to hold a referendum on Prime Minister Sharon's "Disengagement" plan has fizzled now that the Knesset has voted solidly against it. Efforts to bring the government down by blocking the...

When Its Prime Minister Circumvents The Decisions of the Elected Government of Israel

There is a consensus of opinion among those who support Israel that they should support "the democratically elected government of Israel". Today, supporters of Israel must cope with an unprecedented dilemma, after the Prime Minister...

Sharon’s 10 premises for his withdrawal plan should be questioned

1. "The successful withdrawal from Southern Lebanon is a precedent for everything that will take place in Gaza and Northern Samaria after the withdrawal from these areas". Deputy prime minister, Minister Ehud Olmert, said in...

The Myth of the “Settlement Bloc Assurance”

This week, the Israeli public has come to learn that President George W. Bush never promised Ariel Sharon that the US government would support the retention of settlement blocs in Judea and Samaria. Sharon was...

Israel Can’t Use US Law Enforcement Equipment to Violate Human Rights

This week, at Barzilai Hospital in Ashkelon, in southern Israel, the Israel Defence Forces will conduct an exercise to conduct a "dry run" to practice bringing dead and wounded Jewish Israeli residents to the...

People in Pain

"Do you think it is psychosomatic?" I asked the doctor. "I have a persistent cough. Yes, I had had a high fever, but now it's this cough." "Your lungs are clear" the doctor said. "Take...

A Tale of Two Rallies

On Sunday, January 30th, two rallies took place in Jerusalem, both of which reflected the tragedy of Israel's policies towards the PLO. The first was held at 3:00 p.m. on Gaza Road in Rehavia, where...