unrwa - search results

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Dalal al-Mughrabi – A Murderous Terrorist as a Role Model In Palestinian Authority Schoolbooks...

Research: Dr. Arnon Groiss (December 2019) Dalal al-Mughrabi was the commander of an 11-person group of Palestinian terrorists who landed in a boat on the beach of Maagan Michael natural reserve on Saturday afternoon, March...

New Bill sponsored by Senator John Kennedy (R-LA) to expunge incitement from schools run...

To require the Secretary of State to submit annual reports reviewing the educational material used by the Palestinian Authority in schools, and for other purposes. E9F4BC9E73B17DF29FB65C5438D3B149.peace-and-tolerance-in-education-act

Beyond Brussels: Help UNRWA Create a Better Life for Refugees Whom They Serve.

Writing about UNRWA from the perspective of an MSW community organization social work professional, suffice it to say that the function of a social work refugee agency is to help people get on with...

Researcher: UNRWA is run by terrorists

In Brussels, a conference of countries contributing to UNRWA, the special refugee organization set up by the UN for Palestinian Arab refugees and their descendants, is being held today. The conference is being held...

Watchdog at Donor Conference Appeals to Hold UNRWA Accountable for Antisemitic Teachers

A watchdog group delivered an appeal today at an international donor conference for UNRWA, which runs schools for Palestinians, urging governments at the Brussels gathering to demand accountability from the agency about allegations of antisemitism and incitement to terrorism by more than 100 teachers...

UNRWA:s givarländer kommer att samlas i Bryssel nästa vecka. Kommer de tillsammans arbeta för...

67 donationsländer till UNRWA kommer att samlas i Bryssel nästa vecka. Där kommer de att arbeta tillsammans för en konstruktiv framtid för de ättlingar till arabiska flyktingar från 1948 som idag utnyttjar UNRWA:s tjänster....

Nächste Woche werden UNRWA-Geberstaaten in Brüssel zusammenkommen. Dies ist eine Gelegenheit für sie, gemeinsam...

Das Nachrichten- und Recherchebüro, das ich seit 1987 leite, konzentriert sich auf die UNRWA, in der Hoffnung, dass die 5,3 Millionen Nachkommen arabischer Flüchtlinge von 1948, die in 59 Flüchtlingslagern von UNRWA-Dienstleistungen profitieren, eines...

Antissemitismo na educação da UNRWA na Cisjordânia, Jerusalém Oriental e Gaza

A Agência das Nações Unidas de Assistência aos Refugiados da Palestina no Próximo Oriente (UNRWA), fornece aos descendentes dos refugiados palestinos de 1948, serviços educacionais na Síria, Líbano, Jordânia, Cisjordânia, Jerusalém Oriental e Gaza....

Os países doadores da UNRWA verão a luz na próxima semana?

O escritório de notícias e pesquisas que administro desde 1987 concentra-se na UNRWA, com a esperança de que os 5,3 milhões de descendentes de refugiados árabes de 1948, que se beneficiam dos serviços da...

Palestinian factions call for UNRWA support

Palestinian factions yesterday launched an initiative which is aimed at urging the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Refugees (UNRWA) to carry out its duties of helping millions of Palestinian refugees. "The first protest...