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Skadeglädje och UNRWA-skandalen

Avslöjanden om skenande missförhållanden i korridorerna hos FN:s hjälporganisation för Palestinaflyktingar (UNRWA) kunde inte ha höljt i mer skam i en klandervärd organisation. Även om det vanligtvis inte är trevligt att frossa i andras olycka...

Schadenfreude and the UNRWA Scandal

Revelations of rampant wrongdoing in the corridors of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) couldn’t have shamed a more worthy organization. Though normally it’s not nice to gloat over...

Netherlands, Switzerland suspend UNRWA funding over ethics report

The Netherlands and Switzerland have suspended their funding to the UN agency for Palestinian refugees after an ethics report revealed alleged mismanagement and abuse of authority at its highest levels. The findings in the internal report, first published...

ILTV: Leaked report reveals UNRWA corruption

Dr. Martin Sherman, founder & executive director of the IISS and David Bedein, Director of the Center for Near East Policy are in the ILTV studio to discuss the UN investigation of new accusations...

Greenblatt calls for probe into UNRWA ethical abuses

US Special Representative for International Negotiations, Jason Greenblatt, responded on Monday to the publication of a UN ethics report which found mismanagement and abuses of authority at the highest levels of UNRWA, the UN...

Switzerland suspends UNRWA funding amid corruption allegations

Switzerland on Tuesday said it was suspending funding to the UN agency for Palestinian Arab refugees after an ethics report revealed alleged mismanagement and abuse of authority at the agency's highest levels. The internal report by UNRWA's own...

Norwegian coverage of the UNRWA summer camp for weapons instruction

Utenriksdepartementet i Oslo avviser israelske påstander om at barn læres opp til å bruke våpen på UNRWAS sommerleirer. –Påstanden om at barn på UNRWAs sommerleir i Gaza læres opp i å bruke våpen medfører ikke riktighet....

What is Islamic Relief USA? Will donor nations to UNRWA do something about this?

"Islamic Relief USA" is listed as funder of UNRWA https://israelbehindthenews.com/full-disclosure-who-funds-unrwa/18763/ What is Islamic Relief USA? Will donor nations to UNRWA do something about this? https://www.meforum.org/MiddleEastForum/media/MEFLibrary/pdf/Islamic-Relief-Dossier-v3.pdf

Israel, Jews and Peace in Palestinian Authority Schoolbooks Used in UNRWA Schools – Points

Introduction Schoolbooks indicate the values a society would wish to instill in the minds of its younger generations. When published by a regime  – as the case is in the Palestinian Authority (PA) –...