PLO covenant - search results

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A Kerry Middle East Man: US troops to the Middle East?

Dr. Martin Indyk, who served two stints as ambassador to Israel, introduced himself to Israeli reporters who covered last week's Democratic National Convention as one of the key Middle East advisors to Democratic presidential...

A US State Department Middle East Policy Without US Congressional Authorization and Without Public...

The US State Department acts independently of US congressional approval in its implementation of middle east policy, while obfuscating basic facts from the Executive Branch of the US government, leaving the White House and...

Recipe for Terror: A Text Analysis of the Palestinian State Constitution

I. Introduction A. Why a Palestinian State Constitution More than anything else, the Palestinian State Constitution represents the attempt to present to the world the face of a modern Palestinian state. The constitution is meant to...

Most Creative Murder Design

Israel Resource News Agency has decided to award Yassir Arafat and the Fateh, the mainstream organization of the PLO, with a citation for the most creative murder design on the web. The Fateh web site,...

Years of Hope

Years of hope, Z.B. Begin, Ha'Aretz, September 6, 2002 A reminder September 9, 1993 Yitzhak Rabin, Prime Minister of Israel Mr. Prime Minister, The signing of the Declaration of Principles marks a new era in the history of the...

The Double Message of the Israeli Government

It goes without saying that there is universal disappointment with Israel's information policies. The problem is not the lack of funds or professional resources at the disposal of the Israeli government. The problem remains the double...

The Scenarios of the Palestinian State in Formation

An elder statesman of Great Britain in the late eighteenth century, Sir Edmund Burke, reported that he was often asked why he would not support the French revolution. After all, Burke's colleagues noted, he had...

A Day in Official Palestinian Media

Today, Faisal Al-Husseini, the Palestinian Minister for Jerusalem affairs attacked Israel's municipal elections in Jerusalem, calling Israel's rule anywhere in Jerusalem as "illegal." In addition the PLO's Fatah branch announced that they would be...

An Interactive Critique of Jerusalem Post Editor Jeff Barak’s Interview with Yassir Arafat

On Friday, November 13, 1998, the editor of the Jerusalem Post, Mr. Jeff Barak, condcuted an interview with Yassir Arafat. The article was entitled "Arafat's charm offensive". Media Reasearch Analyst and Israel Resource News...

Brinkmanship on a Lame Duck Plantation

I spent the good part of a week covering the middle east talks at the Wye Plantation, on the Eastern shores of the Chesapeake Bay in Maryland, USA, in an area that is best...