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What Palestinians Are Saying Online
During the past decade, Washington has repeatedly failed to gauge the extent of Palestinian anti-peace sentiments with devastating consequences. The July 2000 Camp David summit triggered the worst wave of Palestinian violence since 1948...
“Fighting That Persistent Lie”
We might have expected WikiLeaks exposure to kill it: the Obama claim that cooperation with Arab states was dependent upon an Israeli-Palestinian negotiated peace.
But here we have it again, in somewhat different, and more...
The Two State Delusion VI: Jerusalem: Forgotten History and a U.S. Policy Charade
Three Thousand years ago, King David made Jerusalem his capital and Jews have aspired to live in Jerusalem ever since. Since the 1840’s, Jews have comprised the largest single group of Jerusalem’s inhabitants. Moreover,...
Why Isn’t Obama Pressuring thePalestinians?
For the first time since the Oslo peace process started 18 years ago, Palestinian leaders are openly refusing to negotiate with the government of Israel, and U.S. President Barack Obama's administration is doing very...
U.S. Congress Backs Israel, Will Israel Join In?:Interview with David Bedein
Several members of the United States Congress have sponsored legislation aimed at putting an end to Arab incitement against Israel. Now an Israeli reporter is calling on the government to state its own position,...
The Arab Lobby: The European Component
In the early 1980s, there was a palpable concern among staffers at the
American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) of the looming rise of an
Arab-American lobby aimed at challenging the pro-Israel community. The
National Association of...
Political Earthquake in the USA: A Jerusalem Perspective
The November, 2010 mid-term election produced a seismic political effect: The most rapid and wide-in-scope Congressional and Gubernatorial victory since 1948.
The outcome of the election repudiates Obama's policies and dramatically erodes his political clout....
J Street’s Crooked Road — Lies and Misdemeanors
First published in The Jerusalem Post, September 28, 2010
Bravo to The Washington Times' national security correspondent Eli Lake for his exposé of J Street over the weekend. The so-called "pro-Israel" organization is bursting with...
WH Visitor Logs Suggest J Street Contributed To U.S.-Israel Diplomatic Crisis (PJM Exclusive)J Street...
Last month, the White House pulled out the red carpet to welcome Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, but the charm campaign is a new phenomenon. Less than six months ago, the U.S.-Israel relationship was...
The Saudi Arms Deal
On August 13, 2010, several reports appeared in the US media on plans by the Obama
administration to sell arms to Saudi Arabia valued at $60 billion over a
period of ten years. The reported deal...