congressional - search results
Europe To Talk With Hamas
"There is reason for hope," said the delegation leader, Rep. Steny Hoyer, who went on to say that "the PA leadership is opposed to terrorism and will vigorously act against it."
Genesis of an Anti-Semitic State
Genesis Of An Anti-Semitic State
The Bulletin asked spokespeople of the Israeli prime minister, foreign minister and defense minister if they would ask a new Palestinian state to cancel its anti-Semitic curriculum. The spokespeople for the Israeli government provided a clear answer: "This is not on the agenda."
U.S. To Give Aid, Weapons To Saudis
Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert confirmed yesterday that the Bush administration intends to provide Saudi Arabia with advanced weaponry, equal to about $20 billion, over the next ten years. However, even if Olmert and his lobbyists in Washington do not necessarily oppose the Saudi aid, U.S. congressional leaders say that they will try to block the deal.
Testimony presented to: Hearing of the Subcommittee on the Middle East and South Asia...
President Ford’s Legacy For Israel: Understanding The Importance Of The Golan
As President Gerald Ford is laid to rest, veteran diplomats, pundits and politicians in Israel recalled a vitally important letter from the late US leader to the state of Israel. The letter, written on Sept. 1, 1975, followed six months of American pressure on Israel to sign an interim peace agreement with Egypt, with whom Israel was still in a state of war. Here is the full text of the letter from President Gerald Ford to Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin.