Tag: Angela Merkel

O legado da política de ajuda ao Oriente Médio da Alemanha durante o mandato...

A ajuda externa alemã sob a liderança da Chanceler Merkel foi caracterizada pela transparência insuficiente. A Alemanha destina dinheiro de impostos a organizações que afirmam fornecer ajuda humanitária, promover a paz e promover a...

Legacy of German Chancellor Merkel: Engaging terror –related human rights groups

German foreign aid under the leadership of Chancellor Merkel was characterized by insufficient transparency. Germany allocates tax money to organizations which claim to provide humanitarian aid, promote peace and advance stability in regions of...

The other legacy of Angela Merkel – a history of allocations to Palestinian terror...

As the Palestinian news portal WAFA announced on September 15, Germany recently agreed to support the Palestinian Authority with 100 million euros, which will be paid out over the next two years.1 Neither the German representative office in Ramallah nor the Federal Foreign Office nor the BMZ have so far published a report regarding this payout on their websites. Aid...