Tag: Animals

The captured Hamas documents with battle orders | Photo: IDF Spokesperson's Unit

Like sadistic Nazis: Secret Hamas papers reveal step-by-step action plan for Oct. 7

Izz ad-Din al-Haddad, known as "Abu Saheeb," a senior Hamas official and commander of the Gaza Brigade, held a secret meeting with his battalion commanders on October 6, hours before the surprise attack on...

From the Battle of Badr to Military Defeat: Changes in Hamas Perceptions of the...

The Hamas invasion of Israel on October 7, 2023 was quickly characterized by Hamas as fulfillment of a prophecy about the destruction of Israel. Hamas cast the invasion as a Palestinian version of the...

Senseless Silence

There comes a time when in the face of unremitting enmity, silence is no longer a viable option. As we face a tsunami of hate and delegitimisation not seen since pre-World WarII times, the necessity...
Israeli reserve soldiers take part in a military drill in the Golan Heights in northern Israel on May 8, 2024. Photo by Ayal Margolin/Flash90.

Biden is betraying American interests as well as Israel

This isn’t the first dispute between the governments of the United States and Israel. Nor is it the first time that Washington has used the supply of arms to try to pressure the Jewish...
Israelis take cover in a safe room in Jerusalem after a Red Alert siren sounds as a barrage of missiles, rockets and drones are launched by Iran towards the Jewish state on April 14, 2024. Photo by Arie Leib Abrams/Flash90.

American calls for Israeli restraint won’t make either nation safer

In the view of the Biden administration, restraint, like virtue, is its own reward. Having helped Israel fend off an unprecedented Iranian missile and drone attack on Saturday night, President Joe Biden reportedly told Israeli Prime...

Editorial: The UN agency cloaked in terror

There has been much discussion during the Israel-Hamas War about UNRWA, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency. The organization was created by the United Nations after the 1948 Arab-Israeli War to provide housing,...

The problem in Gaza is Hamas, not how to provide aid

After months of pressure from left-wing critics and liberal media outlets that seem to only highlight the suffering of Palestinians since Hamas started a war on Oct. 7, President Joe Biden felt he had...

Maryland Rabbis Won’t Take Van Hollen’s Contempt Lying Down

It’s possible that American Jewry is reaching the point at which its seemingly limitless patience reveals itself to be a finite resource. While the Jews of Berkeley were sitting-in and marching in protest of campus...

Experts slam leaked UNRWA report claiming Israel coerced workers into making false statements: ‘Ridiculous’

The scandal-plagued United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) claimed in a report that some of its workers were pressured by Israel to falsely admit their connections to...

We have your back

As Brutus and his allies plunged their knives into Julius Caesar, they all declared, “We have your back.” How apt and appropriate this cynical declaration of false support seems these days as so-called friends and...