Tag: Antisemitsim

Journalist query to BOD: Daughters of British Jew murdered by Arabs who were rewarded...

April 7, 2023 Rabbi Leo Dee, a devotee of Rabbi Jonathan  Sacks z"l,has  relocated to Israel, where he and his wife Lucy dedicate their lives to education. Today, Arabs murdered two daughters of Rabbi Leo Dee in...

Israel’s judicial reform: strengthening democracy

A short explanation on how the judicial reforms in progress will address the anomalies of the Israeli system and bring Israel closer to the rest of the Western democracies https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cx8lKRWlSKQ

Berlin pumps cash into UNRWA despite teachers urging murder of Jews

The German government in March funneled €5 million ($5.27 million) into a school project in the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip, even as a report by Israeli NGOs shows Palestinian teaching materials “glorify terrorism, encourage martyrdom,...

Have seen a petition ​of Jewish groups ​against the government​ of Israel

Perhaps the signatories will ask the US to demand that the PA repeal its unprecedented law which provides an automatic salary for life for anyone who murders a Jew- not only an Israeli -or...

Citizens of Israel who live abroad plan protests against Israel during the weekend of...

Citizens of Israel who live abroad plan protests against Israel during the weekend of February 4 in the cities listed below. GIVE THEM  FEEDBACK Basel - https://fb.me/e/2vzu7Ybo5  Berlin - https://fb.me/e/27yJ55Ra9  Boston - https://fb.me/e/2OzPAR9HL  Cambridge, UK - https://fb.me/e/2EfUqvNbO  Chicago - https://fb.me/e/2ZWn3AR3O  London - https://fb.me/e/9AEbwlEOS  Los Angeles - https://fb.me/e/240LIQlHI  Madrid - https://fb.me/e/46iv4MaVM  Miami...

Palestinian Authority texts that appear in UNRWA education, translated and analyzed  by Dr. Arnon...

Palestinian Authority texts that appear in UNRWA education, translated and analyzed  by Dr. Arnon Groiss, Research Director of the Nahum Bedein  Center for Near East Policy Research and posted at The Meir Amit Intelligence...

Lies and Unapologetic Antisemitism from the UN “Commission of Inquiry”

Antisemitism at the United Nations may be as ubiquitous as the UN’s dead silence on human rights violations around the world, but rarely has it been as brazen and transparent as on October 27,...

Hitler truck display at UC Berkeley alarms Jews in campus community

Aprovocative ad campaign against antisemitism that used a digital image of Hitler raising his right arm concerned many at UC Berkeley this week and disturbed members of the Jewish community, according to the campus...

A nechtiker tog

This exquisite Yiddish expression loosely translated means “whom are you trying to fool?” After two thousand years of being abused, kicked around, targeted, slandered and accused of a myriad array of theological and political crimes, one...

Exposed: UN Teachers Call to Murder Jews

 As the U.S. and other Western states gather today at the United Nations in the presence of Secretary-General Antonio Guterres to pledge funding for the UN agency that runs schools and social services for Palestinians, a...