Tag: David Bedein

Biden Admin. demands UNRWA reform to receive US aid

The Biden Administration, which had signaled its desire to resume funding to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency, has announced conditions of the resumption of aid to the organization, which assists the descendants...

The UNRWA Campaign Against David Bedein

A vicious memo about David Bedein has been circulated by UNRWA over the last seven years. The UNRWA attack on Bedein's credibility alleged that the media outlet Arutz Sheva had retracted David's articles, that David...

For any chance at peace, the Palestinian education system must be overhauled

The U.S. “Peace to Prosperity” plan presented by President Donald Trump last week proposes unprecedented criteria for the formation of a Palestinian state. Among them is this one: “The Palestinians shall have ended all...

Latest issue of the Jerusalem Report runs feature by David Bedein, “The Palestinian Authority...

The Palestinian Authority Donor Machine PP. 38-39 When it comes to humanitarian aid to the Palestinian Authority, transparency does not exist. The result is a rich Palestinian elite, which builds exclusive neighborhoods around Ramallah, leaving thousands of...

Communicate with 47 heads of state who arrive this week for a conference to...

For more than 30 years, The Center for Near East Policy Research has researched and revealed that many of the nations represented this week at the conference to remember the liberation of Auschwitz now...

UNRWA’s Misuse of Donor Funds

UNRWA’s mandate has been renewed by the UN General Assembly for the past 70 years, and its current mandate is set to expire on June 30, 2020. Yet, as additional countries join the ranks of...

The Long-Awaited Report on UNRWA’s Misuse of Donor Funds and Breach of Its Mandate

UNRWA’s mandate has been renewed by the UN General Assembly for the past 70 years, and its current mandate is set to expire on June 30, 2020. Yet, as additional countries join the ranks...

UNRWA: Where Has All the Money Gone?

Historic Overview At midnight on 14 May 1948, the 30-year British Mandate for Palestine was formally ended by the British Colonial Office. Britain’s chaotic evacuation of its civilian and military personnel—with no arrangements having...

Replacing UNRWA in Jerusalem – a long way to go

The process of replacing UNRWA schools in Jerusalem with alternative schools will not be an easy one, despite the best of intentions to do just that from Jerusalem Mayor Moshe Leon and his deputy...

Freeze​ of 150 million in pay-for-slay funds​ means nothing

The Israeli government freeze​ of 150 million in pay-for-slay funds​, the precise ​amount designated for ​PLO terrorists and ​their ​families​,​ carries no weight and no significance​. This does not cancel the unprecedented ordinance of the...