Tag: Hamas

International and Israeli Sociologists in Solidarity with Hamas

A new petition titled "Sociologists in Solidarity with Gaza and the Palestinian People" was posted recently, with some two thousand signatures from students and staff. It includes many Arabs and some Jews, including David Feldman, Professor...

True colours

It is at times like these when one can discover who is genuine and who is “missing in action”. This is not the first time that Jews in the Diaspora and Israel have faced a...

Inquisition at the UN

Antonio Guterres is Secretary General of the United Nations. His public response to the Hamas Oct 7 Atrocity was to justify the slaughter of Israelis by reciting a stream of pitiful excuses and outrageous...

The Day After Tomorrow

I teach film, among other things, and there is a film that comes to mind while assessing the current situation in Israel. It is the 1996 American science fiction action film Independence Day. In the aftermath of a...

The Modern Dilemma

The Hamas war is Iran's war against the modern world. It was long-planned, but the trigger that set it off was the blossoming of Israeli "normalization" with the Saudis. The cartoon asks if the leaders...

New Poverties Conferences

Dec 2019 Jerusalem: Biologic, Economic, Environmental …and Ethical Challenges Local, Regional, and Global  March 2023 Jerusalem: Updates from First Conference Elihu D Richter CR 2023 presentation final black

Witness to Terror: Unearthing Horrors of Oct 7th

As a secondary witness to the atrocities that transpired on October 7th, I recount the horrors of the massacres. Photo credit: zakaworld.org We are now on the 11th day of conflict in Gaza, under Hamas control,...

Phony, Fickle And Fleeting

As the initial shock over the Hamas massacre of Israelis wears off, the predictable reactions start to roll in. One didn’t need to be a genius in order to anticipate this. The whole gamut of hypocrisy...

BBC: Matthew Goodwin – “I Had A Few Things To Say About The BBC...

Matthew James Goodwin (born December 1981) is a British academic who is professor of politics in the School of Politics and International Relations at the University of Kent. His publications include National Populism: The Revolt Against Liberal Democracy (with Roger...

Al-Azhar: Jewish Settlers are Not Civilians

Al-Azhar tweeted in support of what Hamas did from day one, and now it adds extra proof of its inhuman attitude.  Here you will find a lot of victimhood talk, but nothing at all about the crimes...