As the initial shock over the Hamas massacre of Israelis wears off, the predictable reactions start to roll in.

One didn’t need to be a genius in order to anticipate this.

The whole gamut of hypocrisy is now on full display. It ranges from disbelief, joyous celebrations and support for terror to accusations of Israeli culpability plus expressions of admonishment over Israel’s retaliation.

When General Eisenhower’s troops liberated Dachau concentration camp he insisted that movie camera teams record the atrocities found there. Questioned as to why that was necessary, he replied that there would be some who doubted the authenticity of the reports of the genocide and that in the future there would be others who dismissed the Shoah as a Hollywood fabrication.

Little did anyone realize that in fact this would eventuate. Today, we can see and hear how Holocaust revisionists are peddling their lies and how these untruths are being spread and swallowed by social media users on every continent. In addition we face the monstrous smear of the mutated Jew hate whereby Israel is accused of being modern-day Nazis.

Jew hate is so pernicious that it causes some to deny even the obvious. Thus, when the horrific photos of the victims of Hamas terror were published there were those who denied their authenticity and maintained that it is an Israeli fake campaign of disinformation.

That leaves us with the phonies, the fickle and the fleeting expressions of sympathy and support.

Chief phony is undoubtedly PA President for life, Abbas. He has managed and indeed continues to manage fooling almost every international leader that he is a dove of peace and therefore deserves to be crowned as head of a Palestinian Arab State. If prizes were handed out for the best conjuring tricks this fake peace fraud would walk away with the first prize. Second prize would be awarded to the UN and its collection of fraudulent representatives.

The most amazing farce that is being repeatedly recycled at present is the notion that establishing a terror state in the heartland of Israel will usher in peace and tolerance. One would have thought that after everything which has transpired such a scheme might be abandoned for the lunacy that it represents. US Secretary of State, Blinken, visited Israel. He was genuinely and visibly shocked by the realities of the pogrom perpetrated by Hamas. After making all the right declarations he then flew to Amman where he warmly greeted Abbas and thanked him for his efforts at calming the situation in the “West Bank.”

The head of the PA/PLO who authorizes the payment of salaries and pensions to the murderers of Israelis is warmly praised by the US State Department chief representative. Abbas issued a rather pareve statement about the massacre, following which the media and gullible others waxed enthusiastic about this dramatic turn of events. Alas, this piece of hallucinatory trickery was shattered a couple of hours later as the PA revised its statement so as not to be seen as sympathetic to slaughtered Jews. By then, of course, social media and other media outlets had spread the phony notion that Ramallah had disassociated itself from what had happened in Israel.

Despite everything, Biden continues to lead the international chorus singing the praises of a two-state solution. He made a flying visit to Israel to “ask some tough questions” and pledge friendship. The original plan was for him to proceed to Jordan where he could show even-handedness by embracing Arab leaders whose condemnations of Hamas have ranged from lukewarm to non-existent. This photo opportunity however was aborted as the host, Abdullah of Jordan, pulled the red carpet in a show of solidarity with Islamic Jihad who hit a Gaza hospital with a failed rocket launch. Needless to say Abdullah and Abbas lost no time in accusing Israel of this heinous crime, knowing full well that the media and its willing partners would jump on the bandwagon prior to and despite any subsequent proof of Islamic Jihad culpability.

President Biden kept talking about “the other team” while he was in Israel. Does he realize that this is not about a baseball game but rather a far more serious elimination challenge?

Examples of fickle “friendship” abound.

The EU has expressed its solidarity with Israel, although the level of support fluctuates across its members and decreases the longer Israel retaliates. The former EU Ambassador to the “Palestinians” articulated the fickleness best in a radio interview. He criticized Israel “for an unjustified attack on Gaza in response to the atrocities committed by Hamas. It does not matter what Hamas did – nothing justified the use of such deadly (Israeli) force without distinction and proportionality as far as the Palestinian population in Gaza is concerned.” There you have it in a nutshell. This mantra is being repeated endlessly.

One of the best proofs of fickle support was provided by the Auckland (NZ) War Memorial Museum which lit up in blue and white in support of Israel. As soon as local Islamic protesters turned up to condemn this blatant act of solidarity the museum turned off the lights and apologized for any “hurt” caused. This must be a world first and certainly exemplifies how standing up for Jews can collapse at the first sign of Islamic displeasure. What’s next? A museum apology for displaying any sympathy for the Jews murdered in the Shoah in case Jew haters are aggrieved? Woke madness and spinelessness knows no bounds.

The FA in the UK refused to light up Wembley stadium in blue and white. This refusal in the face of anticipated Islamic anger demonstrated a familiar pattern of not wanting to get involved when Jews are the victims. That same indifference characterized the Shoah years and the refusal of the International Olympic Movement to take a stand against terror nations, hence the 1936 Berlin Games.

It was always a given that after the initial shock and horror of the Hamas massacre it would not take more than a few fleeting moments for the aftereffects to wear off.

So it has once again proven as doubts and condemnations pour forth from media, groups and individuals. The media in particular love nothing better than discovering self-loathing Jews and breast-beating champions of human rights for oppressed minorities except if they happen to be Jewish.

Have you noticed the deafening silence from those who promote the rights of women and alternative lifestyle sectors? As these groups face persecution and death in Iran and many Islamic countries the UN is largely silent and complicit. As Israeli women were raped, abused and abducted these same so-called human rights organizations went mute. Political parties such as the Greens suddenly lost their voice and only were heard of again when they surfaced to condemn Israel for retaliating.

Some of the general media has already moved on from reporting about the massacres in Israel and are now focusing their efforts on the impending Israeli response. Reading their reports one could be excused for believing that support for the genocidal campaign against Jews is confined to a miniscule minority. Ignored are the inconvenient facts that support for the murder of Jews is widespread not only in Gaza but also in the so called misnamed “moderate” PA as well as in certain other Islamic countries.

Deliberately ignored is the reality that hate education is a staple part of the education curriculum in UNRWA and Moslem schools in the Middle East and elsewhere. The graduates of this poisonous system are the terrorists of today and their collaborative supporters. The next generation is already being inculcated with the same toxic poison. Taxpayers’ money is helping to perpetuate this scandalous situation.

The US Government resumed funding UNRWA after Biden assumed office.

The Scottish First Minister’s wife claimed that “all 2.2 million Gazans will die as a result of Israel’s actions.” This was reported by the UK media as though it is a fact rather than a gross lie. Unsurprisingly much of the media still describe Hamas as freedom fighters and militants. Obviously using the word terrorist even after this current massacre is too much to expect.

There are of course exceptions to the mendacious media reporting.

Unfortunately, however most news sites take their feed from sources such as the BBC, Reuters and Associated Press which love to pillory Israel. Watch the tsunami disinformation increase as soon as Israel demolishes the terror infrastructure in Gaza. It will surpass anything you have hitherto seen.

Pundits, critics and sundry commentators are demanding to know exactly what the objectives of Israel’s response are likely to be.

The best response is to reiterate the stirring words uttered by Winston Churchill in his first speech to the House of Commons after being appointed Prime Minister.

“We have before us an ordeal of the most grievous kind. We have before us many, many long months of struggle and suffering. You ask what is our policy? I can say: to wage war by sea, land and air with all our might and with all our strength that God can give us; to wage war against a monstrous tyranny, never surpassed in the dark, lamentable catalogue of human crime. That is our policy.  You ask, what is our aim? I can answer in one word. It is victory, victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror, victory, however long and hard the road may be. For without victory there is no survival.” 

No friend or ally counselled “proportionality” or insisted on a ceasefire before Nazi terror had been defeated.

Now it is time to make sure that today’s terror monsters and their facilitators meet the same fate.