Tag: Middle East
UNRWA’s close interaction with terrorist organisation Hamas
by Paul van Buitenen (Verts/ALE)
to the Commission
During the recent military operation ‘Cast Lead’ by Israel in Gaza, the Hamas terrorist organisation used UNRWA compounds such as schools to attack Israeli forces and...
Join a war time effort to counter indiscretions of Haaretz English
Join a war time effort to counter indiscretions of Haaretz English
A source of confusion and hostility about Israel - especially during a time of war- lies with the English edition of Haaretz
Academia, Foreign press, Diplomatic corps...
International and Israeli Sociologists in Solidarity with Hamas
A new petition titled "Sociologists in Solidarity with Gaza and the Palestinian People" was posted recently, with some two thousand signatures from students and staff. It includes many Arabs and some Jews, including David Feldman, Professor...
Inquisition at the UN
Antonio Guterres is Secretary General of the United Nations. His public response to the Hamas Oct 7 Atrocity was to justify the slaughter of Israelis by reciting a stream of pitiful excuses and outrageous...
The Day After Tomorrow
I teach film, among other things, and there is a film that comes to mind while assessing the current situation in Israel.
It is the 1996 American science fiction action film Independence Day. In the aftermath of a...
UNRWA incites during a time of war
At a time when the war in Gaza continues in full force, Israeli state security services are finally enforcing a crackdown on incitement, a step which our agency has advocated for more than 30...
The Dark Reality Of PLO And UNRWA Policies
For decades, I advocated for the creation of a Palestinian Arab state, believing that it could bring about a lasting peace in the region. I was convinced that Israel had a genuine partner in...
Mahmoud Abbas und der Terror der Hamas
Die Kommentare von PA-Präsident Abbas gegenüber palästinensischen Medien enthielten kein einziges Wort des Bedauerns oder der Entschuldigung, sehr wohl aber die Zusage von lebenslangen Renten an die Familien der Terroristen.
Die Ereignisse der vergangenen zwei...
The origins of Palestinian hatred
THE TRAIL OF blood left by
Hamas terrorists in the Gaza Strip
is another chapter of the Palestin-
ian cruelty and brutality that was
born over 100 years ago. There have
been several inflection points along the way
that we...
BBC: Matthew Goodwin – “I Had A Few Things To Say About The BBC...
Matthew James Goodwin (born December 1981) is a British academic who is professor of politics in the School of Politics and International Relations at the University of Kent. His publications include National Populism: The Revolt Against Liberal Democracy (with Roger...