Tag: Middle East

The same fight

The terror attacks perpetrated by Islamic State in Paris on Friday night spurred a huge wave of solidarity from around the world. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that Israel stands united with France in...

Welcome to World War Three

It is time that we came to the realization: we are in the midst of World War III. A war that will differ from the others but will take place all over the globe,...

Required Changes in Palestinian Authority/UNRWA Schoolbooks –  to conform with peace policies advocated by...

Research by Dr. Arnon Groiss. Since 2000, Dr. Arnon Groiss has examined the new school books which were put in use by the PA and UNRWA between 2000 and 2006m with the generous funding of...

Forget Paris

For almost two generations, since Iran’s 1979 Islamic Revolution, self-proclaimed jihadis have been fighting to re-establish Islamic supremacy and domination in the world. Leaders of the nations they have been targeting have regarded them...

Watchdog’s Exposure Has UNRWA Warning Teachers Not to Reveal Jew-Hatred on Facebook

Repeated exposure by pro-Israel blogger Elder of Ziyon of incitement on the social media pages of self-described UNRWA teachers is having more of a technical effect than an ideological one, according to a report...

Martin Indyk’s Legacy Remembered Today

Martin Indyk speaks today at a national peace conference in Tel Aviv, where he will address the legacy of the Middle East peace process. The time of has come to examine the legacy of Martin...

Setting the Record Straight: Hajj Amin and the Nazis

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Legacies of Hajj Amin al-Husseini’s work are still with us. The broadcasts of Radio Zeissen, the Mufti's propaganda station, resonate in the 1988 Hamas covenant, and indeed still reverberate throughout our region....
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Associated Press

Netanyahu and the Grand Mufti

Journalists, chroniclers, intellectuals and historians of various horizons became plagued by a collective hysteria. Netanyahu was accused of ignorance, Holocaust denial, inciting hatred, clearing the Nazis and political opportunism. Even the German Chancellor felt...

Lord of the Lies…writes Michael Kuttner

The time has arrived, in fact it is long overdue, to bury the false notion that the President of the Palestinian Terrorist Authority is a partner for peace. Amazing as it seems there are still...

Following the Berlin summit:​ Short Term Temple Mount Israeli Security Measure Reinforced: No Assurance...

​The recent summit which took place in Berlin between Israeli prime minister Benyamin Netanyahu and US secretary of State John Kerry resulted in the reinforcement of a security change in the situation at the Temple Mount which...