Tag: Middle East

A Man who Inspired Davd Bedein: A Letter to the All Good People from Amos...

Writing in the October 1968 issue of Midstream Magazine, a publication of the World Zionist Organization, Kenan wrote this   piece entitled A LETTER TO ALL GOOD PEOPLE, in which Kenan related that “the action...

מול מצלמות: איראן מאמנת ילדים-מחבלים בעזה

הסתה מהסרטים: רשת "פוקס" האמריקאית שידרה אמש (יום ג') סרט המצביע על מעורבותה של איראן במימון ארגוני הטרור ובמחנות קיץ שבהם מאמנים ילדים קטנים ובני נוער לבצע פיגועי טרור נגד ישראל. את הסרט "איראן:...

Meet the Hamas billionaires

"Among the Palestinians, they tell you straight out, 'I want to get rich.'" In recent days, various media have been publishing photographs of Hamas leaders in luxurious homes with fitness equipment, at luxury hotels around...

ISIS threatens to send 500,000 migrants to Europe as a ‘psychological weapon’ in chilling...

Italian press today published claims that ISIS has threatened to release the huge wave of migrants to cause chaos in Europe if they are attacked And letters from jihadists show plans to hide terrorists among...

The price of Europe’s fecklessness

In Luis Bunuel’s eponymous 1961 film, the young postulant Viridiana leaves her convent to claim her uncle’s rural estate, and creates a refuge for local beggars. They ransack her house in a bachannalia staged...

If Tehran Turns Down the Nuclear Deal

Whether congressional Democrats accept or reject Barack Obama's Iran deal has great importance and is rightly the focus of international attention. But there's another debate taking place over the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action...

Tachlis…writes Michael Kuttner

According to those who know Yiddish this term, especially popular amongst Israelis, is used when someone wants to quickly (and often very bluntly) get to the point. Tachlis is all about efficiency and getting to...

Help UNRWA Schools Get Funding: Remove UNRWA War Education

UNRWA reports that its $1.2 billion budget, funded by 62 nations, cannot come up with the necessary $101 million to launch the new school year for 492,000 students who study in 699 UNRWA schools...

From Israel: Rush to Judgment

August 4, 2015 “Rush to Judgment” In the early hours of last Friday morning, in the Arab village of Duma, in Samaria, a Molotov cocktail was thrown into a home, causing a fire that killed a...
Percy Bysshe Shelley.

Introduction to “Nothing Abides”. Perspectives on the Middle East and Islam

The English romantic poet Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792–1822) fortuitously captured two themes in his phrase that serves as my epigraph, "Nor peace within nor calm around." To be sure, Shelley wrote of his inner...