Daily Archives: December 18, 2000

Cover Story

Where Will They Go? Palestinian refugees say international law guarantees them a right of return to their homelands. But the law has no teeth, and the refugees fear they have no champion. Near a checkpoint...

Official Palestine Authority Radio News on the PBC’s Voice of Palestine – Dec. 17

Summary and Analysis Beginning Saturday Night, December 16, the Voice of Palestine has reported in detail on the appointment of Colin Powell as U.S. Secretary of State-Designate with a certain amount of concern. VOP has underscored...

When PA TV takes the place of human companionship

Most recently, I went to my friend Fatima's house to visit her and see her new baby. It was the first time in about 3 weeks since I'd been there, the second time in...

Official PA radio news – the PBC radio Dec. 18th

Summary and Analysis Perhaps because the Palestinian Authority has some internal divisions about contacts with Israel, VOP has been largely downplaying this subject. One point was stressed however: Yasser Arafat himself was quoted as denying...