Daily Archives: March 28, 2001

Does the New PLO Entity Recognize Israel?

At a staff meeting in September 1993, our news agency, whose purpose it is to provide continuing factuql coverage for the foreign media, made a policy decision: to find out firsthand how the new...

Canada’s role in the ‘right of return’

Jerusalem - A cardinal principle of the Arab information campaign against Israel since the inception of the Jewish state 53 years ago has focused on the plight of Palestinian Arabs who left their homes...

Canadian Officials Confirm: Their Government Financed “Right of Return” Brochure

Montreal, March 25 (JTA) Canadian officials have confirmed that their government financed a brochure calling for Palestinians to realize the "Right of Return" by taking back homes and property lost inside Israel during Israel's...

Palestinians Deny Killing Jewish Infant in Hebron

Excerpts From Jordan Times: Palestinians deny killing Jewish infant * Israel Journalists ejected from Arab summit * Arab League ineffective and bankrupt. Headlines: "Israel blockades Hebron to punish Palestinians after death of baby." Quote from Text: "Palestinian cabinet minister...