Monthly Archives: May 2002

Is Europe Lost? A Traumatic Experience at the Council of Europe

"When the Jews warned the West," I told participants at the Council of Europe in Strasbourg, "that the Nazis endangered the peace of the world, your fathers replied that the Nazis were indeed not...

Getting Your Stolen Car Back from PLO hands

It's not a simple thing to part from one's car, as anyone knows who's ever had to undergo this experience, whether through selling it for upgrading purposes or whether through traumatic circumstances: a lien,...

Paula Finer Discusses the Tragedy of her Daughter, Now in a Permanent Vegetative State

Thanks to private support from many circles, Israel Resource News Agency has produced a pilot film for what will hopefully evolve into a full fledged documentary concerning the plight of victims of terror. The first...

Israel’s New Security Situation Following The Release of Arafat from his Compound

Arafat The Street Did Not Wait For Arafat Yedioth Ahronoth (p. 3) by Roni Shaked -- At 2:00 in the morning, Arafat faced the cameras, in his first press conference after the siege, and in...