Daily Archives: May 29, 2002

Deal with the Refugees Now

Why is it that all of the world's refugees, wherever they are located are dealt with by a single UN Agency - the UN High Commission on Refugees (the "UNHCR") - and the Palestinian...

The View of UNRWA Refugee Camp Resident in Jordan: Right of Return…

The official Palestinian newspaper of the Palestinian Authority "A-Sabah" in its last internet issue (Mid-May) gives expression to calls by Palestinian refugees in Jordan for the destruction of the state of Israel. Following are excerpts...

29% of Israelis Murdered are Female

As of May 30, 2002: 146 Israeli females murdered by Palestinian Arab terror out of a total of 501 murdered since September 30, 2000 Women victims of Israeli terror by age: 0-9: 9 6.16% 10-19: 35 23.97% 20-29: 27 18.43% 30-39: 15 10.27% 40-49: 18 12.33% 50-59: 12 8.22% 60-69: 11 7.53% 70-79: 12 8.22% 80-89: 5 3.42% 90+: 1 0.68% age unknown: 1 0.68% other statistics: 9 were female soldiers...

2.63 of Palestinian Arab Deaths are Palestinian Arab Females

34 females as of May 30, 2002 (out of 1,293 victims) 2.63% of all Palestinian deaths. By age: 0-9: 7 20.59% 10-19: 6 17.65% 20-29: 3 8.82% 30-39: 2 5.88% 40-49: 6 17.65% 50-59: 7 20.59% 60-69: 1 2.94% 70-79: 1 2.94% 80:89: 0 90+: 0 age unknown: 1 2.94% Source: JMCC, the Jerusalem Media and Communications Center, a Palestinian Arab media agency in Jerusalem