Daily Archives: February 14, 2007

Who UNRWA is, and what we do

As frequently as times and seasons change, so do allegations against UNRWA emerge in the media, often at moments of political uncertainty. Hence it is with some weariness that I address the latest spate...

A critique of UNRWA commissioner-general, Karen Koning AbuZayd, in “Who UNRWA is, and what...

The defense of UNRWA mounted by UNRWA commissioner-general, Karen Koning AbuZayd, in "Who UNRWA is, and what we do," ( J. Post, February 13th, 2007) obscures several critical issues. In her take, UNRWA is...

Intelligence Reports On Hezbollah’s Immense Firepower

Jerusalem officials say that the Russians did not use their supervisory apparatus, as they had promised, and did not prevent the trickle. The quantity is not at the level that it was before the war, but rather at the beginning of a worrying trend.