Daily Archives: November 13, 2007

Confronting the Bush Administration with Palestinian reality

The Bush administration has determined that - in order to serve its perceived goals in the Middle East - a Fatah-led Palestinian state should be established in Judea and Samaria. To that end, the...

Incisive Commentary from Arlene Kushner

Posting: November 11, 2007 "Protest" I am in a holding pattern on personal matters. I cannot apologize for putting first things first -- for what matters more than attending to family when a new life is...

Olmert’s Strategy For Annapolis Summit Revealed

On Sunday, October 28th, 2007, following the weekly Israel government cabinet meeting, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert dispatched cabinet secretary Oved Yehezkel and his official spokesman Yaakov Galanati to brief the press about the...

Netanyahu Maneuvers Himself Before Annapolis Summit

The Olmert government is repeating the mistake of the Barak government before Camp David, where Israel gave up everything and got nothing in return. In effect they received suicide terrorism, and today the government of Olmert, Barak and Livni is also going to begin a process of giving up everything, at the end of which we will receive nothing.