Following President Obama’s demand that Israel cease construction in any Jewish comunity beryond the 1949 cease fire lines, the JTA has
launched a series of articles on the people affected by this draconian demand
JTA began its series by producing tendentious pieces where JTA interviewed a group of “hilltop” people in an isloated area of Northern Samaria.
Included in the pieces were interviews with groups that lobby Israel and the American government to eradicate Jewish communities and to hand their property over to Arab terror groups.
JTA attributes credibility to the groups whid demand that Israel destroy Jewish communities in the name of peace, despite the precedent of Summer 2005, when 25 thriving Jewish comunities were bulldozed and their properties were handed over to terrorist organizations.
As a result, the lands of evicted Gush Katif communities are now used as launching pads and training bases for terrorist groups.
Since the US government now demands that Israel freeze Jewish communities in all of Judea, Samaria, the Old City of Jerusalem and 12 other neighborhoods in Jerusalem, the question remains:
Will JTA will interview a wide range of the 550,000 Jewish residents of Jewsh communities where the USA challenges Israel’s sovereignty?
Or will JTA act as an unwitting tool of current American goverment policy, and demonize Jewish communities beyond the “green line”?