The Fatah Congress, launched on Tuesday in Bethlehem, focused on Fatah’s determination to continue the armed struggle against the state and people of Israel.
However, Jewish Telegraphic Agency (JTA) Correspondent Dina Kraft waits until graph nine to even mention the threat of continued Fatah war against Israel:
JTA ignores the official statement of the Israel Minister of Information who declared that the statements of this Fatah Congress represent a declaration of war against the state of Israel.
JTA ignores the refusal of the Fatah to remove the “armed struggle” from the Fatah platform:
JTA ignores Fatah columnists who editorialized this week as to why Fatah must maintain the “armed struggle as part of the Fatah’s bylaws”
JTA ignores coverage of the Middle East Newsline which features interviews with a wide range of Fatah leaders who call for the continued armed struggle
JTA ignores Fatah refusal to recognize Israel as a Jewish state:
JTA ignores Fatah TV shows aired this week which define
Haifa, Acre and Jaffa as Palestinian cities
Haifa, Acre and Jaffa as Palestinian cities
Since the Fatah Congress resumes on Wednesday morning, it will be instructive as to whether JTA will continue to downplay the spirit of this seminal meeting, which represents a lethal threat to the state and people of Israel