Daily Archives: August 27, 2010

Refuting David Malovsky’s Comments in the Washington Post Concerning Palestinian Authority Education

In his recent article, http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/08/23/AR2010082304204.html, David Makovsky writes: “The PA has begun reshaping the curriculum of Palestinian institutions that accredit imans, and screening is also being conducted to weed out school teachers who support Hamas...

STERN WARNING: Sol Stern believes the new round of Israeli-Palestinian talks will flounder over...

As Israel and the Palestinians prepare to resume direct talks for the first time in more than two years next week, Sol Stern dismisses them out of hand before they even get under way....

Is the US Training Israel’s Enemies?

There are strong reservations about the wisdom of the US training a Palestinian security force. Israel recently approved the delivery of Russian armored personnel carriers for the Palestinian Authority, while it continues to laud American...