Daily Archives: August 30, 2012

How Many Millionaires Live in the “Impoverished” Gaza Strip?

http://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/3308/gaza-millionaires The world often thinks of the Gaza Strip, home to 1.4 million Palestinians, as one of the poorest places on earth, where people live in misery and squalor. But according to an investigative report published...

The Order for Beatings Came From Abbas’s Office

http://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/3316/abbas-office-ordered-beatings A Palestinian commission of inquiry into the beating of Palestinian journalists and demonstrators in Ramallah has found that top officials in Mahmoud Abbas's office had ordered the assault. The discovery did not come as a...

UN Blames Israel for Gaza’s ‘Inviable’ Future

http://frontpagemag.com/2012/joseph-klein/un-blames-israel-for-gazas-inviable-future/ The United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) held a conference on August 27th entitled “Will the Gaza Strip be Viable in 2020?” The conclusion, predictably, was that the Israeli government was fully responsible...

The Situation In Migron: New Housing Not Suitable

1. Israel High Court of Justice has determined that all 49 families of Migron must leave Migron with all of their personal belongingson Tuesday, Sept. 4th, 2012. Those residents include 219 children, half of...