[Dr. Aaron Lerner – IMRA: “the Ibrahimi mosque, which was once an all-Muslim holy place” = under Arab rule Jews were barred from praying in this ancient site that was already holy to Jews ages before before Mohammed was born (it features the only intact Second Temple period structure).
But read the last line: “While both members of the faith attend separate prayer areas inside the mosque during normal times, Israel closes it times for Muslims during Jewish holidays and for Jews during Muslim holidays.” Oops. Sounds pretty pluralistic. Certainly appealing to western sensibilities….]
Israel to Close Hebron Mosque to Muslims
HEBRON, September 9, 2013 (WAFA – official PLO news agency) – The Israeli authorities informed Muslim officials in Hebron that the Ibrahimi mosque (Cave of the Patriarchs) will be closed to Muslim worshippers on Tuesday, Hijazi Abu Sneineh, director of the mosque, said Monday.
The mosque will be open only to Jews on that day who will be celebrating the Jewish Yom Kippur holiday, which starts Friday night.
The Israeli authorities divided the Ibrahimi mosque, which was once an all-Muslim holy place, between Muslims and Jews two decades ago.
While both members of the faith attend separate prayer areas inside the mosque during normal times, Israel closes it times for Muslims during Jewish holidays and for Jews during Muslim holidays.