But you, O God, will cast them down into the pit of destruction; men of blood and treachery shall not live out half their days. But I will trust in you.” (Psalm 55:23)

The Gaza based terror group Islamic Jihad is showing off their latest efforts against the State of Israel.
In a report broadcasted last week by Al-Jazeera TV, Islamic Jihad is taking proactive steps to rebuild terror tunnels destroyed by the IDF under Operation Protective Edge, including those tunnels that cross under the border with Israel.
An Al-Jazeera reporter was given privileged access to Islamic Jihad digging operations which the terror group said began as soon as the most recent conflict in Gaza ended.
Translated and released by the Middle East Media Research Institute, the video report begins with the reporter being led blindfolded to the entrance of the tunnel to conceal its location.
The reporter, who must hunch over to enter the tunnel and walk through the tunnel, explains that they are being “dug by resistance fighters in this border area.” With its low passageway, the tunnel is held up by cement blocks positioned along the wall and roof.
Hamas, Islamic Jihad and other terror organizations have made use of millions of tons of cement that entered Gaza for humanitarian purposes to build an expansive terror tunnel infrastructure under the Gaza Strip. The tunnels are used to smuggle goods, weapons, and terrorists in and out of Gaza.
The reporter is clearly awed at what he sees. “What is remarkable about this tunnel is that it has been dug recently,” he says. “And you can see it is still being dug.”
At one point, workers can be seen dragging oversized buckets full of sand from the tunnel. “There have been some cave-ins, but the work goes on,” the reporter states.
Near the end of the tunnel, a worker clearing away sand explains, “We are now in one of the tunnels of the Al-Quds Brigades, on which work began as soon as the war on Gaza ended, and the ceasefire was declared. We have begun work and we are continuing it regardless of the threats by the Zionist enemy.”
“We will not be hindered by the threats of the enemy, or by the ban on importing cement and other building materials,” he adds.
On Sunday, an anonymous Israeli defense official claimed that Hamas and other terror groups in the Strip have begun rearming as well as rebuilding the tunnels. Senior official rejected the claims but the report aired by Al-Jazeera prove otherwise.
“We are getting these tunnels ready for the next battle in order to launch attacks and fire mortars and artillery. These tunnels will also have other uses which we will not disclose,” the worker explains.
Over the course of Operation Protective Edge, the IDF destroyed over 30 terror tunnels that were dug under the border with Israel. Both Israel and Hamas agreed to a ceasefire after 50 days of intense fighting.