Daily Archives: June 2, 2017

Rosenberg Haggadah -Published In Amazon

Rosenberg English Holocaust Haggadah for Passover is an exceptional publication that offers an easy to follow format completely in English for you to share with your family and friends for the Passover seder night....

President Rivlin addresses Jubilee celebrations in Kiryat Arba-Hebron

President Rivlin: “Hebron is not an obstacle to peace, Hebron is a test of our abilities to live together, side by side.” “After 50 years the State must make every effort to improve the quality...

Farewell to a genuine friend

After four action packed years, Australia’s Ambassador to Israel, Dave Sharma, is preparing to return home.  Amidst his busy schedule of duties he spoke with J-Wire’s Israel correspondent, Michael Kuttner, about his thoughts and...

Trump: allergic reactions

Allergies manifest themselves in a myriad of ways ranging from mild irritations to life threatening situations…writes Michael Kuttner. Donald Trump’s election to the White House has caused an outbreak of severe allergic symptoms and his...

Best Not to Move US Embassy to Jerusalem Until US law is Changed

Silver lining in the delay to move the US embassy to Jerusalem:  New momentum to update the relocation law to recognize Jerusalem as part of Israel. Covering events in the US capitol when Congress passed the “US...