Daily Archives: February 28, 2018

Seizing chaos as opportunity making lemonade from “lemons” in the Middle East

If Israeli planners like it or not, regional chaos is increasingly plausible in the Middle East. Whether this chaos should stem from the proliferation of nuclear weapons among Israel's enemies, or "merely" from the...

PBS Run Amok: Promoting UNRWA ​as ​an agency with no indiscretions

This ​is ​the John Yang PBS Interview with Scott Anderson, UNRWA Director of Operations, ​ on ​Feb. 19, 2018 ​​ https://www.pbs.org/newshour/show/with-the-trump-administration-threatening-cuts-for-palestinian-support-aid-groups-wonder-what-comes-next ================== ​ ​We have offered to meet P​BS presenter John Yang ​& provide a reply to at least...