Daily Archives: February 2, 2018

Just when you think you have heard it all

It seems there is no limit when it comes to covering news about Israel and Jews. This week in particular has served up yet more examples of the absurdities we face…writes Michael Kuttner. International Holocaust...

Vanishing Peace: The Aftermath of Oslo

1999 BBC documentary on the Israeli/Palestinian peace process. Produced by American Trademark Pictures (formerly AIM International). Host: David Aikman. Executive Producer: William Paul McKay. Website: www.americantrademarkpictures.com

The US has now posted a reward for information leading to our child’s killer’s...

The US has now posted a reward for information leading to our child's killer's arrest/conviction Jordan, where she has lived since 2011, has stayed publicly silent about #Tamimi and its own refusal to comply with...

Waiting for disaster from Lebanon: Why?

The following thoughts were gleaned from an article published by the daily newspaper HaAretz on February 1, 2018: "The quiet on Israel's border with Lebanon is an illusion of those who prefer to bury their heads...

Ask Germany it will continue to fund  UNRWA war curriculum

On January 31, 2018, ​an associate of the Center fo​r Near East Policy Research chanded the war curriculum used in UNRWA schools to Chancellor Anglela Merkel​, after asking colleagues in the Bundestag to translate...

Going up?

Marsha Stein is a retired former college professor who lives in Natick,Mass. , near Boston, and also in Netanya, Israel. Often there’s only enough time for my “elevator speech” when someone asks me, as a...

Thanks to a chance meeting with an advisor to President Trump before his inauguration,...


Trump’s Iran ultimatum has startled the European Union

The White House is blackmailing the Europeans to stop them from allowing themselves to be blackmailed by Iran · By Matthias Küntzel On the 12th January, Donald Trump, in his long awaited statement about the Iran...