During the first week of March, 2018, the Center for Near East Policy Research conducted briefings at the US Congress, the UN and the Heritage Foundation.
The message: Adopt the “UNRWA Reform Initiative”:
Very soon, the GAO investigative report will be issued for US congressional consideration wich.
Before the Trump inauguration, we met a senior official of the Heritage foundation who brought the curriculum of the PA and UNRWA directly to President Trump, which the new President has used and quoted widely ever since.

At the meeting with Heritage, we discussed the hurdles that UNRWA has placed to stop the implementation of any peace curriculum.
At the UN, we briefed three high ranking UN officials, all of whom praised our UNRWA Policy Reform Initiative, which would condition funds to UNRWA on six areas of policy reform. Joining our experts were Rabbi Abraham Cooper, associate director of the Simon Wiesenthal Center, whose prestigious organization helped to finance the unprecedented comprehensive translations of the Palestinian Auhority text books taught in UNRWA schools, and Akiva Spiegelman, the spokesperson of the Model UN association in Israel and a staff person for Israel Member of Knesset Sharren Haskel, the pioneer of the new “Knesset lobby for UNRWA Policy Reform.
Since the UN has initiated an UNRWA donors conference process in Rome,the UN officials whom we met with expressed support for the idea that our UNRWA experts should invited to make presentations for the UNRWA donor nations concerning the UNRWA REFORM INITIATIVE.
Our UNRWA experts asked the UN people to look into reports of massive theft of medical equipment and food supplies now sent to UNRWA, and questioned the wisdom of UNRWA cash payments.

At the conclusion of our meeting at the UN, we asked the most vital question:
What can be done to challenge the UNRWA policies which prevent UNRWA residents from leaving UNRWA refugee camps after 70 years?
These were the presenters:
David Bedein, community organization social worker turned investigative journalist who has delved into UNRWA policy research for over 30 years, who leads the effort for UNRWA Reform.

In addition to the experts is Rabbi Abraham Cooper, the associate director of the Simon Wiesenthal Center, the agency which underwrote some of the costs of the translations of the latest UNRWA school books.
Bassem Eid, Palestinian Human Rights Activist, who grew up at the UNRWA refugee camp of Shuafat in Jerusalem, engaged by the Center for Near East Policy Research to critique UNRWA human rights policie
Dr. Arnon Groiss, long time Arab Affairs journalist with a Phd in Islamic Studies, engaged by the the Center for Near East Policy Research to translate and examine all school books that the PA provides for the UNRWA schools.

In addition to the experts is Rabbi Abraham Cooper, the associate director of the Simon Wiesenthal Center, the agency which underwrote some of the costs of the translations of the latest UNRWA school books.
Lt. Col (ret) Jonathan Halevi, an intelligence researcher whom the Center has engaged to investigate the Hamas connections to UNRWA.
Dr. Deborah Soffen, a pediatric medical professional who has studied the issue of child abuse in UNRWA facilities.
These are the videos of UNRWA produced by the center over the past 14 years. The first two films are trailers for a new movie, UNRWA IN JERUSALEM, once budget is secured
The Center for Near East Policy Research is privately funded and govenment endorsed.