David Bedein
Israel Resource News Agency
Center for Near East Policy Research
Prisoners of Palestine & new campaign against prisons and Corona.
Throughout the rapid spread of the CoronaVirus around the world, and the death it reaps, prisons remain a ticking bomb , which the virus threatens to attack. Since the emergence of this “Zionist Conquest Virus”, it has been trying to kill the will power in prisons by reducing preventive measures and prohibiting the use of disinfectants, so as to sew fertile soil for viruses.
https://alresalah.ps/post/215640/ أسرى-فلسطين-والمعركة-القادمة-ضد-السجان-والكورونا
[Hamas site]
General Dr. Muhammad Masri, Ma’an [Reporting directly to Abbas]: A plot of political and medical suicide.
“If the conquest relies on the spread of the virus among the Palestinians and the failure of the necessary tools, or the evaporation of funding … We say clearly and unmistakably, that this it is not just a game that plays with fire, but it rather a policy of political and medical suicide”.
[Fatah site]
5.4.20 Risala (Hamas)
Bacteria Recruitment – Israel’s historic weapon
Since the establishment of Israel on Palestinian land, it has not stopped maiming innocent Palestinians … which now has a powerful weapon – the CoronaVirus, using banned biological and chemical weapons such as toxic gases and bacteria.
Let us not forget that Israel’s very inception witnessed poisoning of Acre in 1948, when Zionist gangs targeted Acre’s wells and poisoned them. This policy has continued in all wars that have followed. Knowledgeable Palestinian sources say that getting rid of Palestinians by any means, including mass poisonings, has been invoked by Jewish law with the sanction of Rabbis in Israel , together with a Rabbinic edit which allows settlers to use poison to urge native Palestinian residents to abandon their villages and towns, so that settlers can take over their land.
https://alresalah.ps/post/215824/ تجنيد-البكتيريا-سلاح-إسرائيل-التاريخي\
[Hamas Site}
Labor in Israel and the settlements – a breach which allows the corona to sneak through
https://www.aa.com.tr/ar/ +الدول-العربية / اشتية-العمل-في-إسرائيل-والمستوطنات-ثغرة-يتسلل-منها-كورونا- / 1788121
Palestinian workers in Israel: a breach by which the conquest exploits
Machmud Alul, deputy of Abbas, addressing Fatah central committee declared today on Palestine Broadcasting Corporation Radio that Palestinian workers in Israel provide the breach by which the conquest exploits, in order to enter and leave without inspection, in order to spread the epidemic.
People who have infected the village of Bennei Naim in the Hebron District with Corona Virus are the laborers who worked at baking matza in the Atarot Industrial District.
PBC,” Voice of Palestine”, The official radio station of the PA and the PLO:
Jewish Communities and IDF Soldiers Spread CoronaVirus, especially in the areas of Bethlehem. PLO official Saib Erakat; Israel Prevents Treatment of the Virus in East Jerusalem and Disrupts the Process of Disinfection for Palestinian Convicts incarcerated by Israel.

Al Kuds, newspaper of the Palestinian Authority. “Jewish Communities Are Corona” 19.3.20