Monthly Archives: May 2020
Let my people know
Too often, when people read about the blatant indiscretions in the UNRWA conduct of public policy, too many readers simply say that the time has come to get rid of UNRWA.
People do not know...
2019 Pledges to UNRWA’s Programmes (Cash and In-kind) – TOP 20 Donors as 31...
2019 Pledges to UNRWA's Programmes (Cash and In-kind) - TOP 20 Donors as 31 December 2019 In USD.
Film made a year before Trump cut off UNRWA
Where do YOUR tax dollars go?
PROOF! U.N. Schools teach Jihadi TERROR WorldWide!
An R$E Production 2017.
Featuring -
David Bedein,
Dr. Anthony Harper,
Paul Calvert,
Reporter for Cross Rhythms Christian Radio
The Israel Antiquities Authority Reveals Rare Coin from the Bar-Kochba Revolt Discovered at the...
In Honor of Lag B’Omer
The Israel Antiquities Authority Reveals Rare Coin from the Bar-Kochba Revolt Discovered at the Foot of the Temple Mount, north of the City of David
The coin, discovered in the course...
Kommer Sverige som fjärde största givaren av UNRWA, att be UNRWA-kommissionären att ta upp...
Utnämnandet av den schweiziska diplomaten Phillpe Lazzarini som ny chef för UNRWA ger nya möjligheter för UNRWA givarländer som övervakar UNRWA: s politik, att kräva en reform av UNRWA, särskilt i UNRWA-skolorna. De skolorna...
Will Sweden, 4th largest UNRWA donor, ask UNRWA commissioner to address 15 Indiscretions?
The appearance of Swiss diplomat Phillpe Lazzarini as the new head of UNRWA provides a window of opportunity for UNRWA donor nations, which oversee UNRWA policy to demand a reform of UNRWA , especially...
Taxpayer-Funded Charity Islamic Relief Embraces Violent Anti-Semitism (Again)
On May 3, Islamic Relief USA, the largest Islamic charity in the United States, and whose overseas branches are funded by the U.S. government, ran an event in partnership with the Muslim American Society featuring Omar...
15 desafíos políticos que el nuevo comisionado de UNRWA tendrá que enfrentar
El nombramiento del diplomático suizo Phillipe Lazzarini como nuevo jefe de la Agencia de Obras Públicas y Socorro de las Naciones Unidas es una oportunidad para que las naciones donantes, que supervisan la política...
Widen The base of support for the sovereignty movement in Israel
The sovereignty movement In Israel must be based in Jerusalem, because no nation on earth recognizes Jerusalem as a sovereign part of Israel.
That includes the USA, which moved the US embassy to Jeruslem, without recognizing Jerusalem as part of Israel.
That must stop
The sovereignty...
The time to apply sovereignty is now
Let's start at the end – no party in the Israeli political system believes in or champions the notion of granting Israeli citizenship to every Palestinian living under the rule of the Palestinian Authority,...