Regarding “Endemic hate education in PA schools” (June 21), kudos to the Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center and David Bedein for researching and exposing the degree to which the PA educates their children with the ABCs (Animosity, Bigotry and Contempt for all Israelis). This will qualify them to graduate as terrorists and martyrs.
The only problem here is: What’s new and who didn’t know that already? This indoctrination has been spoken about since the beginning of the Oslo Accords and way beyond. Therefore, it behooves us –yet again – to wonder why the basic tenets of education have never been amended? Why would Israel talk about peace with anyone who is simultaneously teaching hatred, bigotry and training terrorists? Why would we provide arms, food, water and electricity to people who are only energizing from this and then sending hatred and terror back in return?
Israel needs to halt all contact with the PA until it amends their textbooks. This is the only way to protect the young minds from terrible brainwashing and save them from becoming terrorists – ironically on the shekel of their enemy Israel. This is so preposterous and foolish that those in the government adhering to and administering current policies deserve only the same respect that one would show the “wise” old council of the silly world of Chelm.
SOURCE: Letters To Editor, Jpost- June 23, 2020