Daily Archives: June 10, 2020

The Conundrum of Israeli-Arab Citizenship

Issued in the midst of a sustained attempt by the Palestinian Arabs to destroy it at birth, Israel’s 1948 declaration of independence urged them “to participate in the upbuilding of the state on the...

U.S. Peace Plan Expectations from the Palestine Liberation Organization 

U.S. Peace Plan Expectations from the Palestine Liberation Organization Source   https://www.whitehouse.gov/peacetoprosperity Download pages in PDF: Page 8 Page 34 Page 39        

Christians For Israel’s Response & Letter To World Council of Churches Re Actions Against...

C4i response to World Council of Churches Dear Christians for Israel Australia team and Christian and Jewish Zionist friends chavurim. I also lend my voice of dismay and disappointment of the World Council of Churches recent...

The Los Angeles Pogrom That No Jewish Organization Will Talk About

After the end of Shavuot, the holiday in which Jewish people joyfully commemorate the giving of the Ten Commandments on Mount Sinai, the Jewish community of Los Angeles concluded it by the new ritual...

What does it mean to be a Zionist? Tell Dry Bones

Borochov Borochov taught that antisemitism can be a clever way for dictatorial rulers to divert local uprisings. As is was then, so it is now. Arab rulers are happy to simultaneously deal with Israel and promote local...

Why Palestine Liberation Organization placed Sirhan Sirhan on top of list of convicts it...

Why Palestine Liberation Organization placed Sirhan Sirhan on top of list of convicts it demanded for release: "Sirhan Sirhan Reveals Why He Killed Bobby Kennedy" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ma_RpEcm7NY This year marks the 50th anniversary of Robert Kennedy’s assassination....