Daily Archives: October 25, 2021

Humanitära bistånd har medfört en rik palestinsk elit.

När det gäller humanitärt bistånd till den palestinska myndigheten finns ingen insyn eller transparens. Resultatet av våra humanitära bistånd har medfört en rik palestinsk elit, som bygger exklusiva stadsdelar runt Ramallah medan de låter tusentals...

How UNRWA spend funds

Operating within a resource-constrained environment, and reliant on voluntary funding, UNRWA allocates its limited resources among the services we provide to Palestine refugees, prioritizing the needs of the most vulnerable. The UNRWA budget structure reflects...

Legacy of German Chancellor Merkel: Engaging terror –related human rights groups

German foreign aid under the leadership of Chancellor Merkel was characterized by insufficient transparency. Germany allocates tax money to organizations which claim to provide humanitarian aid, promote peace and advance stability in regions of...